The LMPBUS-804 connects up to four MP-Bus channels with up to 64 MP-Bus slaves to the USB port of the L‑INX Automation Server, L‑ROC Controller or L‑GATE Gateway Controller.
MP-Bus stands for Multi Point Bus. It is the Belimo Master/Slave bus system. The MP-Bus allows to connect up to 8 slaves to a master unit. By exclusively using latest design actuators (e.g. ..-MPL) it is possible to connect up to 16 slaves. The advantages of this bus include reduced wiring expenses and substantially higher functionality. Furthermore one sensor can be connected per MP-Bus slave. These sensors include active sensors, passive resistances sensors and switches. The sensor values can be read over the MP-Bus network.

MP-Bus Interface Products

MP-Bus Interface for 16 devices per channel, up to 4 channels